Isuzu truck repair in Fontana, CA

Isuzu Truck Repair & Maintenance Services

Oil and Fluid Changes

Are you having a tough time keeping up with oil and fluid changes for your fleet of Isuzu trucks? If so, you’ve come to the right place. Fleet Services Group is more than capable of getting your oil and fluids changed in just a matter of moments! From transmission fluid changes to engine coolant changes and everything in between! We’ll track the oil and fluid life of your fleet and even notify you when service is needed! Doesn’t that sound great? We certainly think so. Give us a call to find out more. 

Routine Inspection

Routinely inspecting your Isuzu truck is the best way to detect issues before they become major concerns. For example, noticing a leaking differential plate can potentially save you thousands of dollars in repairs, for a gear oil leak that’s not immediately addressed can cause your entire rear end to bind up. Other common issues that can be found during a routine inspection of your Isuzu truck include rust build-up, blown bearings, worn bushings, and tire punctures. 

Contact Us

Want to get your fleet of Isuzu trucks serviced? Call today.